- ANYTHING 1967 - - Super Popular Year. High Water Mark! People who advertise a 1967 Corvette for sale have their phones ring off the hook. We do!! "The Holy Grail"
- 1958 - '62 - - Very popular with boomers in their late 40's and 50's. Four headlights and a trunk!
- 1968 - '72 - - Very affordable chrome bumper cars - ENTRY LEVEL - but for how long could be anyone's guess. Probably will be best buy for someone wanting to drive a Corvette free for 3 to 4 years.
- 1963 SPLIT WINDOW COUPE - - ONE YEAR ONLY - Always been popular milestone car. Every collector needs at least one!
- 1965 - '66 - - Good cars, disc brakes. Next best thing to a 1967 but more affordable.
- 1953 - '55 - - For a serious collector who just, "gots to have one!" - Not much of a ride but a great conversation piece first generation Corvette. Every real Corvette collector has one!
- 1956 - '57 - - Single headlights - 13 tooth grill - top fender scoops- waffle seats and door panels strong styling
- 1973 - '75 CONVERTIBLES - - rubber bumpers. Very affordable for someone that must have an older convertible.
- 1978 - - Silver Anniversary or Pace Cars. Try to buy 4 speeds, L-82's, and/or low miles very popular with the working man or woman.
- 1982 - - Collector Edition - First year of crossfire injection, two-tone paint, hatchback, and last year of '68 to '82 body/frame configuration. Also, first year the Corvette MSP hit over $20,000.00 buy low miles.
- BUY THE BEST CORVETTE you can afford Today, because the Corvette you buy is the Corvette you’ll have to sell Someday
- BUY COSMETICS - - Buy paint and chrome, unless you have a shop and knowledge to control your costs.
- RESEARCH - - Arm yourself with knowledge provided in the many Corvette publications.
- DON’T TRADE OFF COSMETICS FOR A NUMBERS MATCH DRIVETRAIN - - It will always cost you more to restore (paint, trim, chrome, etc.) a Corvette needing restoration vrs. putting the proper numbers motor back in your vehicle if that’s your venue. Numbers have become secondary to cosmetics and it’s about time (full circle)
- REALIZE THAT CORVETTES ARE OLD CARS - - Whether it be any 5, 10, 20, 30 year old car… They are just old cars. They require more attention than that new Chevy or Ford setting in your driveway especially if you don’t take them for daily or weekly workouts. The best running and most reliable automobiles are those used on a regular basis.
- THE MOST IMPORTANT IS GO OUT AND HAVE FUN - - DRIVE YOUR CORVETTE - - Join a club. Go to Cruise-ins. Put your Corvette in local shows (but don’t take it personal). Wave at other Corvette owners… Enjoy!
- BUYING ONE CORVETTE is the beginning of a collection and buying your second is never the end.