Directions to ProTeam Corvette
ProTeam Napoleon is conveniently located next to Kentucky Fried Chicken on Route 108, just south of the Route 6/Route 24 bypass. ProTeam is 13 miles south of I-80 (Ohio Turnpike) at Exit 3/34 or 30 minutes west of I-75 at Bowling Green, OH.
ProTeam Napoleon is 25 minutes from Toledo, Ohio
1-1/2 hour from Detroit, MI
3-1/2 hours from Chicago, IL
2-1/4 hours from Cleveland,OH
4 hours from Pittsburgh, PA
6 hours from Bowling Green, KY
50 minutes from Ft. Wayne or Auburn, IN
3 hours from Indianapolis, IN
2-1/2 hours from Columbus, OH
3 hours from Cincinnati, OH
6 hours from St. Louis, MO
Fly-ins should use either Toledo or Detroit airports for commercial flights, or the Henry County Airport/Napoleon for private flights (5,000 paved).