Corvette Part Companies
- Long Island Corvette Supply, Inc - The 1963 to 1967 Corvette Parts Source.
Visit our website at: www.licorvette.com
Long Island Corvette Supply, 1445 Strong Avenue
Copiaque, NY 11726
Call toll free: 800-466-6367
Any questions, email them to: mail@licorvette.com
- Corvette Central - manufacturers and distributors of Corvette parts and accessories since 1975. Visit our website and see our family of parts catalogs covering models from 1953-1996.
Corvette Central - 5865 Sawyer Rd., Box 16
Sawyer, Mi. 49125
foreign: 616-426-3342
fax: 616-426-4108
email: mail@corvettecentral.com
or visit Corvette Central on the web at: www.corvettecentral.com
- Zip Products, Corvette Parts & Accessories - Over 15,000 of the finest parts and accessories for 1956-1996 Corvettes. Visit our site to request a printed catalog or to view our online version.
8067 Fast Lane
Mechanicsville, Va 23111
foreign: 804-746-2290
fax: 804-730-7043
or visit us at the web at: www.zip-products.com
Car Care Companies
- Moyer Fuel Tank Renu - Patented never rust process for the repair and restoration of original gas tanks. No tank too old! Lifetime warranty nationwide.
Moyer Fuel Tank Renu
2011 Western Avenue
Greensburg, Pa. 15601
phone: 1-800-328-9550
or visit us at the web at: www.gas-tank.com
- Star Lite Products - distributors of Dri' Wash 'N Guard, the "waterless" car cleaner. Clean your car virtually any time, any place - without water!
Starlite Products
Dri-wash 'n Guard
Bob Frassetto
P.O. Box 262
Roanoke, In. 46783
phone/fax: 219-672-3612
or visit us at the web at: www.driwash.com
General Corvette Information
- The Ultimate Corvette Page - Corvette news and Information
Enthusiasts describe Corvettes as the coolest, most awesome, hottest cars that ever rolled off an assembly line. All that glowing praise is because, well, they are!
- Classic Cars 101 - classic car news and Information
A clearing house for classic car links. A page designated to help in your search for answers or your next classic car
Motorist Groups & Associations
- AngeloAutoCase.com - Vintage Classic, and Historic Cars: sales
exchange and rent, consultancy, organization, & promotion
for events in Italy and other countries
Tel. 02 463007
Fax. 02 48196229
Email: info@angeloautocase.com
- The National Motorists Associations
Founded in 1982, the National Motorists Association is a membership organization
devoted to representing and protecting the rights
and interest of north American motorists.
402 W. 2nd St.
Waunakee, WI 53597
Fax: 608-849-8697
email them at: nma@motorists.org
or visit us on the web at: www.motorists.org
- US Insurance Agents
2885 Sanford Ave. SW 13189
Grandville MI 49418
(866) 866-6862
Contact Them at usinsuranceagents.com
Read their take on what is a classic car: Complete Guide to Classic Cars
Financing Companies
- Click here to see complete our listing of financing companies
Insurance Companies
- Click here to see our complete listing of Insurance companies
- Click here to see our complete listing of Appraisers
Corvette Service, Repair, Restoration, Storage Sevices & Companies
- Spectrum Online - Southern California's leading liquidator of special interest automobiles for the Federal Government, Superior Court, FDIC, Resolution Trust, Probate, Divorce, Bankruptcy and private collections.
Spectrum Auctions
23291 Ventura Blvd.
Woodland Hills, Ca. 91364
email: spectrum@spectrumauctions.com
or visit us at the web at: www.spectrumauctions.com
- My Car Vault - An indoor car storage facility for "special" vehicles. MyCarVault is purpose-built and operated by "car people" who are committed to doing it the right way! email: sackbutt@comcast.net or visit us on the web at: www.mycarvault.com
- Classic Impressions, Inc. - specializes in full color classic car bank check and matching leather checkbook covers. Visit our home page and win free checks at: www.classicimpressions.com
Classic Impressions
P.O. Box 691167
Houston, Tx 77269-1167
fax: 281-251-2020
email: vito@classicimpressions.com
- Rod's Motor America (Wheatland Productions) - Premium quality videos and broadcast productions. Producer/creative designer of ProTeam on Video
Rod's Motor America
P.O. Box 15313
Lenexa, Ks 66285
Corvette Art, Cartoons, and Toys
- CJCorvettes.com - For all your Rare and One of a kind Corvette Toys and Collectibles. We have Antiques &Vintage Toys from Yesteryear! New and current models from today: cjscorvettespa@aol.com
- Arivada.com - Steve Mantani is a graphic artist and automotive art is one of his main passions. He's a big fan of the early and mid-year Corvettes: steve@arivada.com
- www.autocartoon.com - David Rosenblatt delivers Bandit and Ryan a comic strip seen in national publications such as Vette Vues. His comic strip has been a staple in magazines for years and now you can check out Bandit and Ryan on line or email David Rosenblatt directly for more information: banditryan@autocartoon.com
- SpeedwayMotors.com - Has several articles related to Corvettes old and new and everyone Corvette worthy to tell its story. The Hampton Public Library found this link and we'd like to share it. Speedway Motors Toolbox
Know of any
Corvette related sites? E-mail ProTeam
Classic Corvette with your proposed link