NCRS (National Corvette Restorers Society)
E-mail: NCRScincy@aol.com
Formed in 1974, the National Corvette Restorers Society (NCRS) is a non-profit hobby group of 15,000+ families dedicated to the restoration, preservation, history and enjoyment of Corvettes made from the model years 1953 through 1991. If you are looking for a 1953 - 91 Corvette: The seller is telling you "the numbers match". Do you know what they mean? Are they truthful? Join the NCRS and learn from all of the information we have gathered in the last 30 years to make a wise decision when you purchase your Corvette. If you already own a 1953 - 91 Corvette: No matter what you are up to, NCRS members have been there before. Benefit from all of the information we have gathered in the last 30 years to make better and smarter decisions as you restore and maintain your valuable Corvette. Contact: National Corvette Restorers Society • 6291 Day Road • Cincinnati, Ohio 45252-1334 • 513-385-8526 or 513-385-6367 • 24 Hour FAX Line: 513-385-8554
CCA (Corvette Club of America)
Question about the Club or your Corvette? Email Jim Parisi: JP71234@gmail.com
The Corvette Club of America, Inc. is the oldest Corvette Club in the world, established in 1956. We welcome all Corvette owners to our corvette club and encourage them to take advantage of our monthly meetings, shop nights, social gatherings, competitive events, and more. CCA official newsletter Corvette Courier is available online as a pdf. You can then print the newsletter for reading at your convenience. The Corvette Cub of America is dedicated to encouraging and preserving the spirit of the Corvette. CCA invites everyone to take part in the spirit and fun. Contact: CCA • 24716 Tandem Dr Damascus, MD, 20872 • phone: 301-253-6074 or email: vettehon@aol.com
NCCC (National Council of Corvette Clubs )
E-mail: info@corvettesnccc.org
The National Council of Corvette Clubs, Inc. (NCCC) was founded as an all volunteer, non-profit organization in 1959 by a small group of Corvette owners/enthusiasts! The purpose of NCCC was (and still is) to promote interest in Corvette ownership and operation, to publish information on the use and operation of the Corvette and to establish an organized effort to encourage others to participate in the enjoyment connected with the use of the Corvette! The Competition Program is administered at the National level. This is a major BENEFIT to Member Clubs. The purpose is to encourage interactivity between individual Clubs within NCCC. The BLUE BARS magazine is our NCCC Newsletter that is published 4 times a year and is a wonderful example of the Corvette fun that NCCC generates. Call NCCC for more information 1-800-245-VETT (8388)
United Council of Corvette Clubs
E-mail: attywg@aol.com
The United Council of Corvette Clubs, Inc. was conceptualized in a Holiday Inn parking lot in Cleveland, Ohio in July, 1975, when two strangers, Winston Grays of Cleveland, Ohio and C.J. Kincaide of Detroit, Michigan met. Winston broached the subject of forming a new national corvette club that would more accurately reflect their cultures and backgrounds. After a lengthy discussion, Winston and C.J. exchanged telephone numbers and promised to stay in touch with one another. Two months later, Winston phoned C.J. and informed him that he had joined a local corvette club in Cleveland, and that his new club and C.J.s club, V-8 Estate, should meet and continue the discussion that began two months earlier. The birth of the UCCC had begun. In 1978, just three years later, the UCCC was formed. The first official UCCC convention was held in July, 1979, just one year later, in Memphis, Tennessee.
Western States Corvette Council (WSCC)
E-mail: rob91vette@aol.com
The Western States Corvette Council (WSCC) acts as the governing body for sanctioned Corvette activities such as: Car Shows • Rallys • Autocrosses • Fun Runs and Social Events • Establish and support uniform groundrules and competition codes for events. • Recognize top competitors through year-end awards. • Host an annual Convention of participating Clubs. • Publish a regular newsletter called REDLINE . BENEFITS OF INDIVIDUAL MEMBERSHIP: Camaraderie, Competition, and Communication with other Corvette owners throughout the Western US. • Discounts at WSCC sanctioned events such as Car Shows, Rallyes, Autocrosses, Drag Races, • Annual Convention, etc. • Subscription to REDLINE Newsletter. • Eligibility for year end AWARDS. BENEFITS OF CLUB MEMBERSHIP: Comaraderie, Competition, Communication, and Reciprocity with other Corvette Clubs. • Uniform Competition rules for all sanctioned events. • $1M liability insurance for all event locations. • REDLINE Newsletter with no charge for printing articles and posting Club events. • Opportunity to vote at WSCC business meetings; input to bylaws and competition codes. For more information, click on this membership form
Corvette Homecoming
E-mail: pruittjoe@bellsouth.net
The 25th Annual National Corvette Homecoming will be held at the Western Kentucky University AG Expo Center August 2006 - 406 Elrod Road, Bowling Green, Ky. The AG Expo Center is part of Western Kentucky University on 700+ acres with room to grow. The event is scheduled to be located at the AG Expo Center for the next 4 year. GM will have all new models on display. For General Information: 270-791-2117 • Auction Information: 270-586-8288
We have almost completed a new website for Corvette owners and enthusiasts called WeLoveCorvettes.com. It is full of information and has a free message board for Corvette fans to communicate with each other.
Friendship Days
Pettisville, Ohio's Every Other Summer Community Celebration. A destination for the entire club or for a great weekend getaway. Fishing Derby, 5K run/walk, bake sales, raffles, quilt auction, and fellowship. The cookbook alone is worth the drive. The event will be held June, 23-25th, 2006. For more information contact: Chairman@friendshipdays.org
Lost Caravan Corvette Club, Inc.
If you love to travel around in your Corvette, and like to meet, socialize and party with fellow Corvette owners, then this is the Club for you! There are always a lot of activities happening with the LCCC where our members get together, relax, talk, shop, dine, socialize, and otherwise enjoy the fellowship of other Corvette owners. Write us at The Lost Caravan Corvette Club • 6242 Woodland Road, Linthicum Heights, MD 21090 • Ph: 410-684-2945 • fax: 410-684-2945 • www.lostcorvettes.org. Want even more information contact them directly at: info@lostcorvettes.org
Mid-Ohio Valley Car News
The Mid-Ohio Valley Car News will have something for everyone: schedule of car shows, cruise-ins, and events for the entire Mid-Ohio Valley. On the event calendar page you will find listings for car shows and cruise-ins in the Mid-Ohio Valley. If you have information on car shows, cruise-ins, or club meetings, please go to movcarnews.com. This is a free site, no registrations, no subscriptions, no commitments.
Arizona Custom Car Show- Mesa, Az.
E-mail: takeaknapp1@juno.com
Links to and information regarding car shows and club events from all over Arizona. Photos and comments from many of those events make this a great on-line classic car community.
Corvette Club of South Florida - Deerfield Beach, FL
E-mail: jcutroni@att.net
The Corvette Club of South Florida was established in March 2011 to provide enjoyment for its members, family & friends. It is dedicated to promoting fun & everlasting friendships. We are a social club made up of Corvette enthusiasts. Our dedicated mission is to provide support, through donations, to the Joe DiMaggio Children’s Hospital Foundation. Our meetings will be held the 2nd Thursday of each month at 7:30 p.m. at either our sponsor's dealership (Lou Bachrodt Chevrolet, Coconut Creek, FL) or an area restaurant. Corvette Club of South Florida • 4024 NW 5th Drive • Deerfield Beach, FL 33442 • email: jcutroni@att.net
63-67 Sting Ray Registry - Titusville, FL
E-mail: info@63-67corvette.com
Organized and approved by GM in November 1997, the 63-67 Sting Ray Registry's purpose is to maintain a centralized database and to promote the Mid-Year Corvette. The 63-67 Sting Ray Registry is open to any person owning a 63-67 Corvette. Your 63-67 Corvette(s) will be added into the Registry Database, the heart of the Registry. Becoming a member will allow you to park your mid-year Corvette in the Registry corral at large national Corvette shows and participate in local 63-67 Sting Ray Registry caravans/shows/displays as organized. 63-67 Sting Ray Registry • 3448 Trevino Circle • Titusville, Fl 32780
Bay Area Corvette Club- Clearwater, FL
E-mail: k63vette@msn.com"
BACC is proud to be a member of the National Council of Corvette Clubs. NCCC was founded in 1959, making it one of the oldest and most respected volunteer organizations devoted to promoting an automobile and its heritage. It has shown its ability to organize, promote and produce a number of competitive events over the years, tailored to both the novice and the veteran enthusiast. There are over 20 NCCC clubs in the Florida Region, with more than 1,000 members. BACC plans and participates in a variety of activities throughout the year. Some activities are community service type events, while others are competition events, and some are just plain fun! To Join BACC, click here or write: P.O. Box 7944
Clearwater, FL 34618
Renegade Corvette Club - Hollywood, FL
E-mail: renegadecorvetteclub@yahoo.com
The Renegade Corvette Club is based in Hollywood, FL, and was established in 1996. We are not your typical club. Our main goal is to have fun while sharing our love of Corvettes. Renegades don't stand on ceremony; all friendly Corvette folks are welcome! We are sponsored by Ed Morse Sawgrass Auto Mall, Sunrise, FL, and meet at 7:30 pm on the 2nd Thursday of each month. Please come join us!
Dixie Classic Chevy Club - Marietta, GA
P.O. Box 1121
Marietta, GA 30061
Founded in the summer of 1981 as a local chapter of the CCI.
Corvette Group of the Blue Ridge Mountains - Young Harris, GA
E-mail: CGBRM@alltel.net
The CGBRM was established in November of '02 and is based in Young Harris, GA serving Corvette owners in North GA., Western NC, and East TN. but all Corvette owners are invited to participate. 'Share the experience of Corvette ownership' through planned events and activities, sharing mechanical and restoration expertise, and having fun. Monthly meetings are scheduled for the 2nd Saturday of each month to consist of a lunch, cruise, or other Corvette related activities. Contact: CGBRM, 1423 Garland Lane, Young Harris, GA 30582 or phone 706-379-1587. www.CorvetteGroupBRM.com
Corvette Cruisers of Illinois - Danville, IL
E-mail: feedback@ccoi.net
Corvette Cruisers of Illinois (CCOI) was founded in April of 1992 and is one of 31 Corvette Clubs in the Midwest Region of the National Council of Corvette Clubs, Inc. CCOI has a home city of Danville located in east central Illinois just before you cross into Indiana on I-74. CCOI is mostly a social club that does drive outs, goes to car shows and local parades.
Corvette Club of Illinois - Champaign, IL
E-mail: hannerd@sbcglobal.net
Based in Champaign, Illinois. Five couples started the Corvette Club of Illinois in the summer of 1970. There are two couples of the Charter Members still active in the club. The Corvette Club of Illinois has been a member of the National Council of Corvette Clubs since its establishment. In 1974 our Club won the Midwest Region in NCCC. The members of the Corvette Club of Illinois are very active in Local Car Shows, Cruise-Ins, Swap Meets, and other activities that are deemed to be FUN!!!!!
The Original Circle City Corvette Club - INDIANAPOLIS, IN
E-mail: membership@circlecitycorvetteclub.com
A family oriented organization. Children are welcome. Some of our activities include parades, car shows, rallies, cruises, picnics, parties, and charitable events just to name a few. All primary members of The Original Circle City Corvette Club are proud members of The National Council of Corvette Clubs. Our meetings are held in Indianapolis on the 1st and 3rd Thursday of the month at Blossom Chevrolet. The Original Circle City Corvette Club • 3319 Wembly Road • Greenwood Indiana 46143
Blue Grass Corvette Club - Lexington, Ky.
More Information : BGCC Contact Form
"Support of community events through the Corvette passion" - - Looking for a fresh start, Central Kentucky Corvette aficionados brought the original Bluegrass Corvette Club back to life January 2005. With 36 founding members, the BCC has a passion for supporting the Central Kentucky community and sharing our enthusiasm about ALL things Corvette.
Baltimore County Corvette Club - Owings Mills, Maryland
E-mail: baltimorecountycorvette@yahoo.com
Our club was founded in June 2004 with just 4 members. We are just starting out but one thing is for sure, we sure do love Corvettes. We are one of the newest Corvette Clubs in the Maryland/DC area. Our membership consists of people of all ages, professions, and backgrounds. We enjoy participating in informal social outings as well as fellowshipping with other car clubs. We have traveled to shows all up and down the East Coast and have met many fellow Corvette owners & clubs along the way. Members of the United Council of Corvette Clubs. Contact: Baltimore County Corvette Club • P.O. Box 203 • Owings Mills, MD 21117-9998 • 410-258-8638
Team Corvette - Grand Blanc , MI
E-mail: webmaster@teamcorvette.org
Team Corvette held its first meeting in March, 2000 during a blizzard. They are a not-for-profit organization that raises money for charity and socializes year round. Acivities include car shows, cruises, day trips, weekend trips, road rallies, bar-b-ques, and bi-monthly social functions during non-Corvette season. Go to www.TeamCorvette.org and find out more information about the club or join the team email group. Snail Mail: P.O. Box 415 - Grand Blanc, MI 48480
Corvette Club of Michigan - Dearborn, MI
E-mail: vette1@corvetteclubmi.com
The Corvette Club of Michigan is starting its 47th year in 2005 and is one of the oldest Corvette Clubs in the United States. Membership to CCM is open to any Corvette owner 18 years old or older. We promote enjoyment of Corvettes through camaraderie and competition.
Corvette Legends - Plymouth, MI
E-mail: president@corvettelegends.net
Monthly Meetings held the second Tuesday of each month at 7:30 pm at the Community of Christ Church, Plymouth, MI (Oct –Apr) Our Central City Cruise Nights become our meeting (May-Sep)
Central Lakes Corvette Club - Baxter, MN
In the geographic center of Minnesota, the Central Lakes Corvette Cub welcomes all Corvette owners to share our wooded back roads, deep forest weekend runs and the scenic beauty of our pristine lakes. Any questions, email us at: miles@brainerd.net
Mississippi Corvette Club - Jackson, MS
The Mississippi Corvette Club hosts family memberships from all across Mississippi. Contact us at: Mississippi Corvette Club • P.O. Box 2703 • Jackson, MS 39207 or email HaSherry@bellsouth.net for more information about this great club.
Branson Corvette Club - Branson Missouri
Branson Corvette Club is a very active Corvette Club in Branson Missouri. We have monthly meetings and a cruise in monthly also. We also host the Branson Corvette Show Extravaganza yearly. Check out the website, email us at carsplusvettes@wmconnect.com for complete details. Contact information: Branson Corvette Club • 262 Deano Rd. • Branson, Mo. 65616
Lakes Corvette Club - Medford Lakes, NJ
E-mail: lakes@lakescorvetteclub.com
Founded in 1988, five individuals formed the Lakes Corvette Club. The early meetings were very informal and held in the driveway of one of the members. The club has grown considerably since 1988, both in member size and social responsibility. The members own a number of beautiful Corvettes ranging from 1956-2004, NCRS to full race modified and small blocks to big blocks with tunnel rams, as well as a number of anniversary models.
Boardwalk Corvettes - Mays Landing, NJ
E-mail: email@boardwalkcorvettes.com
Boardwalk Corvette Club was conceived in the fall of 1983 at the time of the "new" C-4 introduction. Through the years we have grown to more than 60 members and an infinite number of long-term friendships. Members talk "Vettes" and share their experiences, excitement and enjoyment of Corvette ownership.
BlackJack Corvette Club - Las Vegas, Nevada
E-mail: vettecollector@hotmail.com
Blackjack Corvette Club is located in Las Vegas. We simply want to enjoy America's greatest sports car and the folks that drive them! Although we are still working on our newly launched website www.blackjackcorvettes.com feel free to take a look around.
Hot Nevada Vettes - Las Vegas, Nevada
E-mail: pbloch1@cox.net
Hot Nevada Vettes is an upstart club who boast a young, active group of Corvette owners based in Las Vegas! They are an NCCC club where new members are welcome to join the fun. Meetings are held every third Thursday of the month. Contact: Hot Nevada Vettes, PO Box 33403, Las Vegas, NV 89133 • email: pbloch1@cox.net • on the web: www.HotNevadaVettes.com
Found Caravan Corvette Club, Inc. - Saranac Lake, New York
E-mail: foundcaravan@verizon.net
Formed in 2003 to allow a forum for people to get together and take short and long trips in their corvettes. Internet based club, with no meetings, just fun. Club motto ... show up ... have fun ... go home. Contact information: Found Caravan Corvette Club, Inc. • 18 State Street • Saranac Lake, NY 12983
Vettes In Perfection, LTD. - Capital District, New York
E-mail: VIPCAPITALDIST@aol.com
Vettes In Perfection, Ltd. (VIP) was incorporated on October 6, 1983 as a no-profit Capital district based Corvette Club hosting year-round activities for its members. These activities include events such as road rallies, car shows, speed events, and a monthly social function. The club prints a monthly newsletter which keeps members informed of VIP activities, as well as upcoming events sponsored by other Corvette clubs throughout the Northeast. VIP, Ltd. is a member of the NATIONAL COUNCIL OF CORVETTE CLUBS (NCCC)
Flag City Corvettes - Findlay, Ohio
E-mail: butch44883@woh.rr.com
Organized in 1998, members encourage and share the common interest in the Chevy Corvette, thru planned trips, events, and social activities. The club holds a monthly meeting on the 2nd Sunday at 7pm at LaRiche Used Car Center. We sponsor fund raising activities, for charity. We will hold our Annual Charity Corvette Show in July at LaRiche Chevrolet at 215 E. Main Cross St, Findlay, Ohio from 10am-3pm. We have door prizes, 50/50 raffle, and a Corvette is given away. Flag City Corvettes • 215 E. Main Cross St • Findlay, Ohio 45840
Competition Corvette Assoc. - Mentor, Ohio
E-mail: dianakf10@hotmail.com
Competition Corvette was founded by a small group of Corvette enthusiasts to promote interest in Corvette ownership, the supporting of local charities, & discovering the enjoyment connected with Corvette cruising. We are one of 16 NCCC clubs in the East Ohio Region who hold over 100 sanctioned events (car shows, autocross, rallys, etc.) hosted by the local clubs in the region. Competition Corvette is very active in the sanctioned events as well as our own socials events (Mystery Dinner Cruises, monthly meetings including summer cook outs).
Buckeye Corvettes - Canton, OH
E-mail: Greg00Coupe@cs.com
Buckeye Corvettes, Inc, is a car club that promotes the Corvette image, plans organized events for the benefit of its members, encourages fellowship and good will among all members and raises funds for charity.
Capital City Corvette Club - Columbus, OH
The Capital City Corvette Club was formed in January of 1975 by a small group of devoted, ambitious and fun loving Corvette owners. Officers were elected, committees to plan club events were formed and a "Code of Regulations" for the club was adopted. Five officers serve one-year terms. Elections are held at the November business meeting. C.C.C.C. is a non-profit organization and all of the funds collected are used either to conduct events or are donated to the official club charity. The main objective of C.C.C.C. is to promote the appreciation of the Corvette while having fun. The club members who are helpful and hard working make the club successful. This hard work is rewarded through a sense of accomplishment and through the presentation of awards at the end of each year at the Christmas Party and Awards Banquet. This annual event has become a tradition since 1975 and is our biggest party of the year.
Corvette Cleveland - Cleveland, OH
E-mail: cheatn@sssnet.com
Corvette Cleveland, Inc., was established in Cleveland, Ohio, in 1957 and is one of the oldest Corvette clubs in the country. We currently have over 100 active members who represent a broad segment of society and ages. They race, show, rally, autocross and tour with their Corvettes.
The Corvette Connection - Klamath Falls, OR
E-mail: Br96vette@aol.com
For more information write: The Corvette Connection • PO Box 1114 • Klamath Falls, Or 97601
Altoona Corvette Club - Altoona, PA
E-mail: CVetteDon@aol.com
The Altoona Corvette Club was founded in 1969 with the purpose to promote and improve fellowship among Corvette Owners. Our goal each year is to bring a variety of activities and events to club members, not only to celebrate the true American Sports Car, but also to enrich our lives with new and interesting people and places along the way.
Lancaster County Corvette Club - Lancaster, PA
E-mail: info@lcccpa.com
Shortly after its formation this club became a member of the National Council of Corvette Clubs (NCCC) and is consistently one of the five largest NCCC clubs (currently number three), including a number of the founding members. Members own in excess of 220 Corvettes ranging from a 1953 model to the 2003 anniversary model and most years in between, pace cars, race cars, anniversary cars, drag cars, custom cars. LCCC member cars cover the Corvette spectrum.
Liberty Region Corvette Club - Langhorne, PA
E-mail: mgarozzo@bucksiu.org
Meetings are the third Thursday of the month, 7:30 p.m. at Reedman-Toll Auto World, Route 1, Langhorne, PA.
Culpeper Corvette - Culpeper, Virginia
E-mail: CulpeperCorvette@aol.com
Based in Culpeper, Virginia. We were organized in August 2003 and now have over 40 members. We are mostly a "cruise and eat" group. We enjoy cruising with our Corvettes along the countryside and taking lunch trips along the Blue Ridge Mountains. We cruise as a club to Corvettes at Carlisle every year. We routinely have three activities each month. Please visit with us. Thank you.
Corvette Marque Club of Seattle - Kirkland, WA
E-mail: Info@CorvetteMarqueClub.com
The Corvette Marque (that's pronounced "mark") Club of Seattle, or CMCS, had its first meeting of record in August 1963, was incorporated in November 1963, and has been growing at a steady rate every year. The purpose of the club since its founding, and as spelled out in the Constitution and By-Laws, is to provide an association for owners of America's only true sports car, the Corvette. CMCS membership is comprised solely of Corvette owners, spouses and significant others.
Blennerhassett Corvette Association - Parkersburg, WV
E-mail: d.flagg@dayzim.com
Blennerhassett Corvette Assocation, P.O. Box 1205
Parkersburg, WV 26101.
An active club founded in 1975 that meets on the 3rd Thursday of each month at CAESARS RESTAURANT on Garfield Avenue in Parkersburg, WV at 6:30 p.m.--Come early and enjoy a meal with us before the Meeting.
Corvette Club Poland
E-mail: club@corvette.pl
Corvette Club Poland, 1982 Collector Edition Registry, over 3,000 Vette Pictures, Reports from shows, Grand Sport - Pace Car - Stingray - Shark - Sting Ray - C1 - C2 - C3 - C4 - C5 - C6 community. All Corvette enthusiasts are welcome!
Corvette Club of Hungary
E-mail: cor@vette.hu
The Corvette Club of Hungary (CCH) has been founded in the year of 2004. It includes only about 30 members across the country, but they are true Corvette lovers. The website welcomes Corvetters from all over the world providing a rich historical information for all generation, Corvette news, a lots of pictures, club member vehicles etc.
Corvette Club Montreal
On the site of Club Montreal Corvette, you will find relevant information on the history of the Corvette, of the bonds interesting to obtain information additional on the Corvette, a shop containing products to be sold, activities for the season 2005... much more!!!
Classic Corvette Club UK
E-mail: editor@corvetteclub.org.uk
The Classic Corvette Club UK (CCCUK) has provided Corvette enthusiasts in the UK with a rich source of information and activities since 1978. Since then it's grown to include almost 1000 members across the country. The website welcomes visitors from all over the world who share aninterest in all Corvettes, from the first in 1953 to the newly-announced C6 model.
Ocean Idlers Car Club - Parksville, British Columbia
Ocean Idlers Car Club is the home of the "Summer Dreamin" car show held in Parksville BC each August long weekend. They invite you to browse through information about the Club's website, learn how to join, or view lots of pictures of previous events, club member vehicles, rare automotive history.
We invite you to visit their sites!! Have a club or organization to add to this list? email proteam@proteamcorvette.com with your request. In turn, we ask that you link back to ProTeam's website at: www.proteamcorvette.com
Corvette Enthusiasts |
Karen & Willie's C5 Corvettes - Houston, Tx .
E-mail: wfavero@attglobal.net
The page is an homage to Karen & Willie's C5 Corvettes and a salute to the Corvette hobby. Find great Corvette related links and news and advice on all things Corvette.