 | Homogenization... the act of blending components together thoroughly has given the Corvette hobby some of the nicest fake wanna-bees that I have ever inspected and a loss of confidence in security of value. Legitimate cars with legitimate components and legitimate option combinations are very hard to find and are quite desirable. Legitimate cars are the benchmark for value and investment. Do your due diligence prior to buying your next rare Corvette or you may be joining the Gala Homogenization Party...by default!!! It's big...it's bad...it's ugly!!! Comments, email terry@proteamcorvette.com |
|  | Costume Jewelry, Clones, Tributes, Re-Creations, Fakes, and Frauds... are scattered all over the re-sale landscape especially on eBay and the televised collector car auctions. Fact: legitimate cars with legitimate components and legitimate documentation are becoming harder to find. Who does your authentication, due diligence, and pre-purchase inspections? Are they qualified? A fake Rolex may turn your wrist green but a made-up fake Corvette will rob the green from your billfold. Would you prefer costume jewelry or pieces of eight? Looking for cubic knowledge about Corvettes? Check out the seminars at BloomingtonGold.com. Questions and comments, email: terry@proteamcorvette.com |
 | Fake Documentation... has posed a problem for potential Corvette owners for quite some time, especially Corvettes sold at high profile auctions.
Q: Where does fake documentation play a part in the collector car hobby? A: It does not! It is fraud!!
Aren't these type items trademarked, copyrighted, and/or registered property of General Motors? Does GM care?
Comments or questions? Email terry@proteamcorvette.com |
Comparison Shopping... is not easy as not all Corvettes were created equal and not all Corvettes are restored equally... What is important to you? (A) just price?, (B) VIN tag and attachments?, (C) body/trim tag?, (D) engine stamp pad?, (E) body repairs?, (F) documentation?, (G) Bloomington/NCRS awards?, (H) transmission?, (I) rear end?, (J) color combination?
* Legitimate cars with legitimate components and legitimate documentation are becoming harder to find. Did you know that there is a database of Corvette VIN numbers (over 450) that are not authentic/legitimate and most information came from inspections of these cars at collector car auctions or judged events?
How does one compare the value of a black 1967 with a blue 1967 when GM made so few black Corvettes in 1967? Did you know that option combinations make certain legitimate Corvettes very hard to find and desirable? Legitimacy is and will be the benchmark for value and investment.
Who does your authentication, due diligence and pre-purchase inspections? Are they qualified? Do they know the difference between real and memorex?
There IS a big difference between a ProTeam Corvette and a typical auction Corvette (live or internet) in that our cars were inspected and authenticated by very knowledgeable people with roots within the Bloomington and NCRS organizations. We did your due diligence and authentication for you and have a brain trust of cubic Corvette knowledge* at our fingertips and have many specific school room examples that go way past the various judging guides and their typical factory production (TFP) standard.
How do you compare one Corvette with another on eBay or an auction TV show if you're not there? Comments, email: terry@proteamcorvette.com
* "cubic knowledge" is a trademark owned by BloomingtonGold.com
Great Legitimate Cars with Integrity... Tired of looking at lumpy average old Corvettes that you were attracted to by price many, of which, were "prepared for auction" or "resale" and in many cases were only a figment of the creator's imagination? SO ARE WE! Our customers and visitors keep telling us that ProTeam's standard has no peers and that the quality and legitimacy of ProTeam's cars is simply out of this world.
We pride ourselves on trying to buy and thus sell the most legitimate "Real Deal" Corvettes that exist regardless of venue. These type Corvettes have value and integrity that will always rise to the top and will weather all economic cycles over time.
We do not want to be the cheapest, as you always (most often) get what you pay for... and in this vein, "We bring to you an opportunity to purchase from the finest selection/collection of legitimate Corvettes anywhere in the world!" So... BUY WITH CONFIDENCE!!! Call, click, or stop by our Napoleon location.
Comments? Email terry@proteamcorvette.com |