Q. |
Do the numbers match? |
A. |
Seller's description of numbers matching cars is in place to inform potential purchasers that the car has a numbers match motor to the best of our knowledge. Seller only checks the numbers that are easily visible and does not disassemble components to check numbers. Seller in referencing numbers match does not refer to any other components on the car. We suggest that should other numbers be a deciding factor in your purchase that you email your list of other items, and that they be checked and cross-referenced with your or our Corvette library. |
Q. |
What does numbers match mean? |
A. |
It may be easier to explain that the term "numbers match" has nothing to do with originality. Numbers match is a term used to describe the proper numbers on a particular engine: a) stamp pad (machining date & VIN derivative), b) cast number (rear of block), c) cast date (location varies)... and other components of the car. Beyond this, in many cases determining what is truly "original" can be extremely challenging for even the most experienced judges and is at the mercy of subjectivity. |
Q. |
Is it the original motor? |
A. |
We have included a photo of the cleaned stamp pad (or will upon request) which we hope helps you determine the originality of the motor in the listing which is always judgmental and at the mercy of subjectivity where as numbers matching is black and white; They either do or they do not. The risk as to the originality of the vehicle or any of its components is with you, the purchaser. While we are happy to show our clients the casting numbers, stamping on the motor, and VIN's on the car, we DO NOT guarantee the motor or any other part is in fact the original. |
Q. |
What does "appears to be the real deal" mean? |
A. |
This means the motor stamp pad, broach marks (surface), and other corresponding numbers have been checked and rechecked by the Michaelis's, other staff members, and maybe even knowledgeable Corvette judges and all concur within all reasonable certainty that the motor in the car is more than likely the original but again that "caveat" as the risk as to the originality is with you, the purchaser, and/or your agent. (see affirmation Q+A) |
Q. |
What is a restoration motor? |
A. |
Most knowledgeable collector car enthusiasts realize that the motor was/is the most volatile component of the car. High horse Corvettes and muscle car motors detonated early in life due to use and abuse. The common practice for over twenty years has been to locate proper cast number, date coded block, and accurately reconstruct the engine and stampings to what they were when new; Restoration: "to renew". Put back or bring back to a former or original state - Counterfeiting: To make an imitation of something else with the intent to deceive or defraud. |
Q. |
So what is the big deal about reproduction trim plates? |
A. |
As far back as anyone can remember, car owners, for whatever reason, tire of the color of their car and repaint them a different color and that is not a problem but now and for well over fifteen years, several people or companies have made repro trim tags that generally are used to defraud the buying public; ie. counterfeiting. The trim tag is part of the DNA of the car and can be decoded to determine body build date, paint, trim, and options that could be available on that particular car. The trim tag is a General Motors protected trademarked registered item and it is highly unlikely that they, GM, issued a license agreement to anyone to "reproduce." warning: Replacing trim tags in some states is contrary to law as a repro trim plate has little to do with restoration but more so with fraud.
**2003 marked the advent of published knowledge to determine without a doubt the originality or lack thereof of a trim plate, thanks to the efforts of NCRS (National Corvette Restorers Society) and its membership. |
Q. |
Do you provide a legitimacy affirmation service? |
A. |
No! We do not primarily because we are a party to the transaction and that service you would want from a third party. There is one such company that you can contact for this service. It is: Classic Car Affirmation Service, LLC • 318 Summit Street • Boonville, NY 13309 • email: ccas4@aol.com or visit http://ccas4vettes.com/ |
Q. |
If I buy your car and do not like it... what then? |
A. |
You don't own it! Just ship it back for a refund as ProTeam offers a money back guarantee that should give the perspective buyer a comfort and confidence level that cannot be equaled. Ask other eBay sellers to do the same and see what they say! Buyer pays all shipping there and back should buyer wish to cancel the purchase. |
Q. |
Tell me about your condition code system. |
A. |
ProTeam uses the industry standard 1 through 6 condition code system. One (1) is the best and six (6) is the worst. NCRS and Bloomington set the standard of which we represent the condition of older Corvettes, ie: to restore them to typical factory production... no better, no worse, no different and herein lies the problem as many buyers want bling... cars with plastic paint (base coat/clear coat) that hide inherit issues surrounding paint applications on a porous surface like fiberglass.
Condition, especially in older cars, is very judgmental and at the mercy of subjectivity and sometimes expectations run higher than the standard that reasonable people live by and measure up to.
These 1950's, '60's, and '70's Corvettes were far from perfect when new and as a retired GM engineer once was quoted, "There was design intent but production reality ruled."
Look at the car as a whole and avoid dissecting each and every square inch under bright lights and magnification. |
Q. |
Where is the car located? |
A. |
Our cars can be inspected in one of our four showrooms in Napoleon, Ohio. |
Q. |
How do I get my car... Do you ship cars? |
A. |
Rarely do we ship the cars we sell although we can arrange shipping through several well known and respected, enclosed and insured carriers. Their rates are very competitive. |
Q. |
How long will it take to get my car? |
A. |
Normal transit times range from three days to two weeks after receipt of payment. |
Q. |
Do you offer a warranty? |
A. |
No we do not as it is difficult for anyone to warranty a 20 to 50 year old car. Some sellers offer a 50/50 warranty but I bet the buyer ends up paying 100% of a legitimate work order anyway. |
Q. |
Do you finance cars you sell? |
A. |
No we do not but we will refer you to competitive banks and specialty collector car finance companies. |
Q. |
Do you allow test drives? |
A. |
We encourage you or your agent to visit our showrooms, pick a car, inspect it, test drive it, and we will even put it on a hoist for your or your agent's undercarriage inspection. |
Q. |
What if I want other photos not featured at your website or eBay auction? |
A. |
Call or email your list of other areas of concern and we will be happy to email you those photos. |
Q. |
Can you write me an appraisal for your car? |
A. |
Sure we can for financing and insurance replacement value as we use several price guides and then average the value based on these guides. |
Q. |
What does STC and LTO mean? |
A. |
STC = subject to change/LTO = limited time offer and is generally associated to pre-shop cars or recent arrivals that we want to sell quickly for a short profit prior to our quarterly reviews and catalog printings. There are truly some really good savings if you can move fast enough. |
Q. |
What is the best investment Corvette to buy? |
A. |
First and foremost, buy the Corvette that you like and look for your ROI (return on investment) to be increased utilizing the fun factor as there is an amount of pleasure return that no paper folio will ever match. If your number one reason is an investment, you should probably apply for a dealer's license and don't forget what has been happening in the real estate market to the "flippers" in Las Vegas, Arizona, Florida, and other hot real estate markets. |
Q. |
Do you see the bubble bursting on collector Corvette prices? |
A. |
Unlikely, as the popularity of car (Corvette) collecting is still in its infancy and growing at a pace that outstrips the availability of nice credible cars. The popularity of Corvette ownership knows no boundaries and many Corvettes are sold overseas including unusual places like Russia, Hungary, Croatia, Kuwait, Japan, UAE, New Zealand, and many South American countries and within the next ten years... China! It's a world market and not just North America. |
Q. |
Why does it seem that your cars are more expensive than others I see advertised? |
A. |
Our prices may be higher but we may offer more value in the end result as we really try to buy the best credible cars that are available and do not necessarily buy the car that can make us the most money but the cars that we like and would be happy owning. We like straight bodied cars with solid chassies that have most of their factory correct components. We do a tremendous amount of due diligence prior to purchasing a car to make sure it measures up to the claims of the previous owner (seller). |
Q. |
Are your prices firm? |
A. |
Nothing in life is firm. Visit our showrooms, pick a car you like, and make an offer. The worst thing we could do is say no! Our offer to purchase forms are available at our website or we'll be glad to mail or fax you an offer to purchase form. |
Q. |
How do I know you guys are real and not just another used car dealer? |
A. |
Time tells all stories! We've been around since the early '70's. The ProTeam company celebrates its 20 year anniversary in 2007. We work hard to build and maintain our collection and reputation. Check us out with the Chamber of Commerce, the United Way, the Better Business Bureau, our bank, community leaders, and/or the testimonials posted at our website by past customers and visitors. It's all about relationship building. You know that warm and fuzzy feeling you get when you're not getting the typical high pressure treatment that we all want to avoid. We want our customers to enjoy a positive enjoyable buying experience that goes beyond and does not end with your Corvette purchase as our customers are our lifeblood and we want them to experience the passion and fire that has made this the most interesting and fun business that anyone could ever have. "We feel quite lucky!!!" |
Q. |
Do you take trades?... and what is my car worth? |
A. |
We do take Corvette trades but must see and inspect your potential trade-in to tell you what your car is worth. You will have to make arrangements to present your car for our inspection at ProTeam's Napoleon, Ohio location. ProTeam can help arrange transportation. |
Q. |
Do you buy Corvettes? |
A. |
Yes, always buying cars that are under the money due to circumstances: marriages, divorce, estates, repo's, no brainers, etc. Although we are heavy hitters as buyers of restored cars that are documented, NCRS Top Flight, Bloomington Gold, NCRS Duntov, and/or Triple Crowns. |
Q. | Do you sell parts? |
A. |
We are not in the parts business, as such, but do have a large selection of Corvette parts (especially ginger bread) and will sell parts to our customer base. See our eBay online store at: stores.ebay.com/Proteam-Corvette-Sales |