The ProTeam Parts Department has listed below many of the Corvette parts in stock. If you do not find what you are looking for, we prefer an email or call 419-592-9212. Keep in mind, we do not generally stock late model corvette parts. Have a specific question or request - fred
Check out ProTeam Corvette Parts at our eBay Parts Store
Rare Used Original Corvette Parts… 1953-55 clear glass bubble hardtop; 1953-55 Intake and Carburetor, no air cleaners; 1953-55 Exhaust Manifold, very good condition; 1953-55 Original Steering Wheel; 1953-55 Radio and Amp, complete; 1960-61 F.I. Unit 7017320; 1958-59 Valve Covers Aluminum Low Script; 1959-61 Radiator; 1959-61 Aluminum Hi-Performance Top Tank Radiator; 1958-62 Heater Assembly; 1960 HD Rear Big Brake Shocks no. 5554593 (3-A-60); 1960-62 RPO-687 HD Brake and Suspension on Rolling Chassis; 1962 FI unit with air cleaner and distributer; 1962 Fuel Injected engine with Fuel Injected unit, distributor, air cleaner, dated T-10 transmission, 901/902 exhaust manifolds, starter, generator, bell housing, oil filter canister and shifter, (rebuilt) – (dated J-4-1, stamped F1012RF – 2102515), $19,995.00; 1963 Original Jack, restored; 1964 F-40 Shocks, used (will work on 1965 - 67 F41); 1954-55 6 Cylinder Overflow Tank; 1963-64 5 Original K.O. Wheels, restored by Mike Zamora; 1963-67 Convertible Vent Window Assemblies (1 pair); 1967 Rear End Assembly FB 12-27-67; 1966-68 Air Cleaner Lid (327-350 hp); 1967 Air Cleaner/Carb Stud with Tri-Power. Also have Bumpers, Suspension, Al Knoch Carpet, Seat Covers, Door Panels, Convertible Tops, Car Covers, Wheels, Engine Blocks, Heads, Intakes, Exhaust Manifolds, Cranks, Pistons, Rods, Carbs, Distributors, and Tin for 1953 to 1972 Chevrolet and Corvettes (mostly). Too much to list or catalog. Email: fred@proteamcorvette.com
Corvette NOS Parts… 1953-60 Trunk Lock (NOS); 1953-62 Tie Rod Ends (NOS); 1956 spiral dated shocks, NOS; 1956-62 Door Window Cranks (NOS); 1953-62 NOS door balls; 1956-57 Hubcap, NOS; 1958-60 Tach Needle, NOS; 1958-60 Speedo Needle, NOS; 1965-67 Speedo Face, NOS; 1961-62 Tail Light inboard, NOS; 1962 Left Rocker Panel, NOS; 1958-67 AC Filter Canister (NOS); 1958-60 Inside Mirror (NOS); 1958-61 Distributor no. 891 (NOS); 1958-60 headlight Rings (NOS); 1961-62 Hardtop Window Rear Outside Moldings (NOS); 1956-62 Hardtop Front Center Molding (NOS); 1956-62 Hardtop Rear Corner Moldings (NOS); 1953-62 Guide Y-50 Outside Mirror (N0S); 1958-62 Parking Lights, one pair (NOS); 1959-62 Hubcaps and Spinner 4-Piece Set (NOS); 1958-62 Hood Release Cable Unit (NOS); 1959-60 only pipe NOS 2 exhaust manifold Exhaust System (NOS) without mufflers; 1959-61 Aluminum Hi-Performance Top Tank Radiator; 1959-60 Door Weather Strip, one pair (NOS-assembly line type); 1960-62 Corvette Dash Curved Insert RH (NOS). Too much to list or catalog. Go to the ProTeam eBay Parts Store or email: fred@proteamcorvette.com
This collection also includes hoods, bumpers, shielding, engine, and chassis parts and a lot of 1953-75 interior trim.
CORVETTE/CHEVYCASTINGS: HEADS, INTAKES AND BLOCKS. LITERALLY THOUSANDS!About any part number or date imaginable... Corvette Parts Wanted!!!!
We buy selected parts. email with your list... email only
Please write, email, or fax us your needs.
PLEASE NOTE: ProTeam is not in the parts business but we do have excess parts from time to time. Do write or fax ProTeam with your parts wish list Unless listed above. THANK YOU
Also, check out ProTeam Corvette Parts at our eBay Parts Store |